I like Window Blinds and the object desktop a lot. I use Photoshop a lot at work. Computers are fun, but I am NOT a programmer. I am into what my programmer friends call "eye candy"
similar problem as “Got the design and outported but...”
Published on October 8, 2007 By niendorf In BootSkin
Hi Guys,
I’m having a similar problem as feldm4n in his post "Got the design and outported but..."
In my case there are a couple of things going on:

1. When I try to prepare an image in Skin Studio Pro the save command sort of works. What I mean is if I try to prepare an image named B1.bmp Skin studio seems to crash after hitting the save button. If the destination folder already has a B1.bmp image I am asked if I want to overwrite the existing file. I say yes and then click save – there is a flash of activity and then Skin Studio Pro goes blank (literally a blank window appears). If I choose to save with a different name then there is a flash of activity and then Skin Studio Pro goes blank. If I look in the destination folder I don’t have any new files.

2. Having said that if I prepare my images in Photoshop then try to choose my boot screen in boot loader my screen is not in the list of choices. If, however I run my images through Skin Studio Pro the boot screen does appear in the list of choices in boot loader – in spite of the crash I mentioned above.

3. If I preview the boot screen it looks fine. BUT when I activate it the screen colors look really bad. Blue and pink, grainy and generally just ugly.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you,


on Oct 10, 2007
on Oct 10, 2007

on Oct 10, 2007
bump = bring up my post, a way of bringing threads to the top of the forum   
on Oct 10, 2007
Have you gone through the bootskin tutorials?  (Via google)
on Oct 10, 2007
I went through the tutorial from the link under the tools menu in the boot skin application.

https://www.joeuser.com/articles.asp?aid=1886WWW Link