similar problem as “Got the design and outported but...”
Hi Guys,
I’m having a similar problem as feldm4n in his post "Got the design and outported but..."
In my case there are a couple of things going on:
1. When I try to prepare an image in Skin Studio Pro the save command sort of works. What I mean is if I try to prepare an image named B1.bmp Skin studio seems to crash after hitting the save button. If the destination folder already has a B1.bmp image I am asked if I want to overwrite the existing file. I say yes and then click save – there is a flash of activity and then Skin Studio Pro goes blank (literally a blank window appears). If I choose to save with a different name then there is a flash of activity and then Skin Studio Pro goes blank. If I look in the destination folder I don’t have any new files.
2. Having said that if I prepare my images in Photoshop then try to choose my boot screen in boot loader my screen is not in the list of choices. If, however I run my images through Skin Studio Pro the boot screen does appear in the list of choices in boot loader – in spite of the crash I mentioned above.
3. If I preview the boot screen it looks fine. BUT when I activate it the screen colors look really bad. Blue and pink, grainy and generally just ugly.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thank you,